A year ago, this week, a global pandemic was declared and the impacts of Covid-19 on the Tourism, Events and Hospitality industries has been widespread and devastating for many.

So why set up wrecktangle and why now?

People thought I was mad to set up a Commercial and Venue Management Consultancy business in this period of uncertainty, but it was clear to me that this very different and difficult landscape would need support to strategically navigate.

“Normal” operations are not returning anytime soon and businesses need to quickly adapt.

If you are thinking wrecktangle, then you are thinking strategically.

In order to survive and to thrive, there needs to be a deliberate move away from short-term, tactical responses to what the pandemic is doing to businesses right now.

innovation.jpg Innovation and flexibility are critical

The short-term outlook keeps changing, so keep focused on the future and make changes that leverage the opportunities that exist and will evolve in this period.

It’s about looking outside what you “normally” do and instead thinking about what it would take to realise your organisation’s or your project’s potential, both in the current context, and future proofing your approaches, so that they are not redundant at the end of the pandemic.

At wrecktangle, we believe in devising strategies that set you up for success.

In collaboration, we support you to develop and innovate within your business model, and to deliver against a structured framework.

Our offer is inherently flexible, for the times we live in, offering practical solutions, grounded in best practice, and centered on what you want to achieve.

I have called out before the need to “Innovate! Don’t Procrastinate”. Delaying to ensure a perfect launch, or to conduct extensive market research, could mean you will lose out on the opportunity to gather information on consumer behaviours through live interactions.

In an ever-changing landscape, the ability to adjust and “fail fast” is paramount. As technology and customer sentiment changes, you will need to adapt at pace with them.

At wrecktangle, we will disrupt your normal thought processes, discern the priorities, and discover solutions outside the box to create success stories for your projects.