At Wrecktangle, we are working with clients on re-opening strategies to ensure they deliver a compelling offer to motivate people to visit. We have formulated this six-point checklist to support businesses.

Articulate your objectives for re-opening

It may sound obvious, but prioritising your ambition, objectives and outcomes for re-opening will support you to be very clear in what you are doing and why you are doing it.

Sometimes we are so focused on the solutions and operations to deliver them, that we lose sight of why we are promoting a certain offer or developing a certain product.

Knowing what you want to achieve supports your prioritisation process and ensures you focus on the elements that will realise your ambition.


Know your audience

Who is your customer? What is the customer need you are fulfilling? Does the experience meet that need? Will it motivate customers to engage with your product or venue?

I have noticed a real shift in business’ willingness to think creatively about new ways to engage with visitors and there are some fantastic ideas arising out of lockdown necessities.

However, trying to develop and implement all these ideas at once will be incredibly challenging.

Looking at your ideas through the lens of your audience and whether they know your brand, or are new to your brand, will support you to choose those ideas with the greatest likelihood of success.

Operational Planning

It is important to develop a robust operational plan to include all elements of the customer journey, from enquiry, to booking, to activation and follow up. This should also integrate any digital and human interventions and include any new processes due to Covid restrictions.

In this way, everyone is clear on the roadmap and the steps to make the experience happen.


Management and Accountability

Be crystal clear on who will deliver the elements within the operational plan. Specify who will manage the operations and who will be accountable for its success.

Size of the Prize

As a business, you may decide to run an offer for PR purposes, or you may want to make a profit. Understanding what the commercial opportunity is, and modelling this alongside a detailed costs breakdown, is critical.

Make a proactive decision on your approach, rather than reactively determining whether or not something was revenue generating. This will also inform your KPIs and objectives for re-opening.


Conduct weekly reviews of your KPIs and build in opportunities to capture lessons learned and to gather feedback throughout. In this way you can dynamically address issues or amplify wins during the process, rather than staying the course for the duration.

At Wrecktangle, we are passionate about creating success stories, which is why we start with a first class operational model and exceptional customer experiences. Click here to find out more about what we do.